Release Notes - mdsal - Version 10.0.0 - HTML format


  • [MDSAL-756] - PingPongTransactionChain's cancel() always closes underlying chain


  • [MDSAL-641] - Convert mdsal-binding-dom-codec to a JPMS module
  • [MDSAL-692] - Use HexFormat to print out byte[] properties
  • [MDSAL-693] - Improve TypeObject.toString()
  • [MDSAL-733] - Change 'type identityref' Binding representation to normal objects
  • [MDSAL-740] - Generate fields for all Identityrefs in an Union binding class.
  • [MDSAL-747] - Do not shade byte-buddy
  • [MDSAL-753] - Generate a switch expression for enum's forName()/forValue() methods
  • [MDSAL-754] - Generate ofName() and ofValue() for enumerations
  • [MDSAL-755] - Improve javadoc of generated classes


  • [MDSAL-49] - Do not generate Builders for Union types
  • [MDSAL-496] - Deprecate generated notification listener interface
  • [MDSAL-704] - Do not use IllegalArgumentCodec
  • [MDSAL-757] - Do not generate @java.beans.ConstructorProperties

New Feature

  • [MDSAL-701] - Support for atomic registration of diverse DOMNotificationListeners
  • [MDSAL-702] - Add support for listening on multiple notifications

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