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  1. controller
  2. CONTROLLER-1865

owner changed after bringing back isolated node


      initial email conversation

      CSIT is sporadically failing when finding that basic-rpc-test ownership has changed from
      it's current owner to some new owner after bringing back an isolated node. The expectation
      is that no ownership should change when a new node is re-joined to the cluster.

      an example of this failure

      the above example was run with debugs enabled for


      Note the reproduction above ran this test suite 8 times, but it only failed once.

      Karaf logs here

      In order to extract just the portion of logs from the single test suite that failed, you can run
      this command:

      sed -n "/16.59.*ROBOT MESSAGE: Starting suite/,/restart_odl_with_tell_based_false/p" odl1_karaf.log

      the main piece to that command is the 16.59 which is taken from a timestamp I found
      that will be seen in all of the karaf logs for that specific suite's start point.

            tpantelis Tom Pantelis
            jluhrsen Jamo Luhrsen
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
