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  1. mdsal
  2. MDSAL-502

mdsal source generator resolves "-" "_" as the same thing


      if we have two grouping with names "my-grouping" and "my_grouping" both of them will be resolved as my_grouping which is wrong.

      Same thing happens if we have "MyGrp" and "My_grp"

      example model:

      module example {
          yang-version 1.1;
          namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:example";
          prefix "example";
          revision "2018-05-17" { // TODO change revision to date of model creation
              description "Initial revision of example model";
          grouping MyGrp{
              leaf foo {
                  type string;
          grouping My_grp{
              leaf bar {
                  type string;
          container my_container {
              uses MyGrp;
              uses My_grp;

            ivanhrasko Ivan Hrasko
            miro.kovac Miroslav Kovac
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
