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  1. sfc
  2. SFC-233

SFC port chain update fail to route packets from sfc vm


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      ODL feature installed odl-netvirt-sfc

      Steps to reproduce Issue:
      Create network

      1. network create network_1
      2. subnet create --network network_1 --subnet-range l2_subnet_1

      Create four ports p1in, p2in, source_vm_port, dest_vm_port

      1. port create --network network_1 p1in

      Disable port security and remove security group from ports

      1. port set p1in --no-security-group
      2. port set p1in --disable-port-security

      Create four VM'S with four ports sfc_vm_1, sfc_vm_2, source_vm, dest_vm

      1. server create --image sfc_image --flavor small --port p1in sfc_vm_1 --security-group sg-sfc
      2. server create --image sfc_image --flavor small --port p1in sfc_vm_2 --security-group sg-sfc
      3. server create --image sfc_image --flavor small --port source_vm_port source_vm --security-group sg-sfc
      4. server create --image sfc_image --flavor small --port dest_vm_port dest_vm --security-group sg-sfc

      Create sfc flow classifier

      1. sfc flow classifier create --ethertype IPv4 --source-ip-prefix <source_vm_ip> --destination-ip-prefix <dest_vm_ip> --protocol tcp --logical-source-port source_vm_port --destination-port 80:80 FC_80

      Create two port pairs

      1. sfc port pair create --ingress=p1in --egress=p1in SFPP1
      2. sfc port pair create --ingress=p2in --egress=p2in SFPP2

      Create two port pair groups

      1. sfc port pair group create --port-pair SFPP1 SFPPG1
      2. sfc port pair group create --port-pair SFPP2 SFPPG2

      Create port chain

      1. sfc port chain create SFPC1 --port-pair-group SFPPG1 --flow-classifier FC_80

      Test communication
      In sfc vm 1 run vxlan_tool.py

      1. python vxlan_tool.py --do forward --interface eth0 --verbose on --block 80
        Start web server in dest_vm
      2. python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
        Check communication from source_vm
      3. wget http://<dest-ip>:80

      Update port chain

      1. sfc port chain set --no-port-pair-group --port-pair-group SFPPG2 SFPC1

      Test communication
      Now run vxlan_tool.py in sfc_vm_2
      Check communication
      Expected: Packets should be routed to sfc_vm but It is not routed

            jaicaa Jaime CaamaƱo Ruiz
            ananth.y Y Ananth
            0 Vote for this issue
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