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  1. yangtools
  2. YANGTOOLS-1272

Expose SchemaInferenceStack.effectiveStatus()


      Our current inference does not propagate effective status into EffectiveStatement hierarchy, but rather performs some indeterminate magic with DocumentedNode.WithStatus.

      This mechanics is mostly specified in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7950#section-7.21.2 , but the NETMOD WG list needs to be researched as to how parent/child relationships work – i.e. what would be the effective status of 'bar' here:

      module foo {
        prefix foo;
        namespace foo;
        container foo {
          status deprecated;
          container bar;

      as logic would dictate it is implied to be deprecated. This is even stronger when 'status obsolete' is in play – such statements should not be implemented, hence having 'status current' underneath them does not make much sense.

      The spec says that

         If a definition is "current", it MUST NOT reference a "deprecated" or
         "obsolete" definition within the same module.
         If a definition is "deprecated", it MUST NOT reference an "obsolete"
         definition within the same module.

      it could be argued that child statements are referencing their parent – at least for the purposes of:

      • having default effective config inherited from parent
      • having a schema node identifier, which references parent's argument


      Note that the mechanics of adding status statements has similar scalability implications as YANGTOOLS-1271, hence the two issues will probably share some common infrastructure.

            rovarga Robert Varga
            rovarga Robert Varga
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